Logging on CodeRed Cloud#

Application Logs#

Your website is automatically configured to log certain information to file, which is available via SFTP in the logs/ directory.

  • Cron job runs and output (under logs/cron.*/)

  • WordPress: Apache HTTP access and error logs (under logs/apache2/)

  • Django-based sites: WSGI request and error logs (under logs/wsgi/)

  • Emails sent by your website (only if using sendmail backend; under logs/cr-sendmail/). See CodeRed Email Sending Service.

All logs are rotated daily and retained for 30 days, and are included in your website backups.

Creating Custom Application Logs#

Your webiste can write custom logs to file in the /var/log/ directory, or a sub-directory thereof. For example: /var/log/myapp.log or /var/log/myapp/something.log. Be sure to use the .log extension so the file will be rotated and included in backups.

These custom logs can be accessed via SFTP under the logs/ directory, and follow the same rules as to daily rotation and retention.

Dashboard Activity#

CodeRed also logs activity performed on your website by users in the dashboard, which is available to view by clicking Tasks > View All from the top of the CodeRed Dashboard.

  • Website deployments

  • Website restarts

  • Website clone to staging

  • SFTP password resets

  • Database password retrieval

  • Database resets